2022 St Patrick’s Day Parade, Clifden, Connemara
Dear Community Groups, Schools and Businesses,
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee of the Connemara Chamber of Commerce in association with the Clifden & District Community Council wish to invite your group to participate in the St. Patricks Day parade on Thursday, March 17th.
The parade will commence at 12.30pm with all groups to assemble along Galway Road by 12.00pm.
Stewards will be on hand along route to aid and assist in any way to ensure a safe-and well marshalled parade.
Participating groups may enter any float or theme of own choosing, and as we say every year the brighter and bolder the float the better.
There are a variety of prize categories this year which include:-
- Best overall
- Most topical
- Best community effort
- Most comical
Every school that participates in the parade will receive a Certificate of Participation.
There will be entertainment on the Town Square prior to the parade, and entertainment will continue into the afternoon with a street disco, live music and more!
We ask that schools should advise children to have rain gear in case of wet weather.
There will be two laps of the town for all those participating and please note that performance time in front of the judges will be limited with stewards keeping things moving at a reasonable pace.
Groups planning to participate are asked to complete the attached 2022 St Patricks Day Parade Application form. For further information please contact [email protected] or call 089 9526795
The whole community looks forward to your much valued attendance and continuing support to ensure the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Clifden can only go from strength to strength.
Kind Regards,
Connemara Chamber of Commerce